The Well Dog Place

Consultations and Holistic Wellness Products

The Well Dog Place is not a Veterinary Office.  We do not offer traditional veterinary services (exams, vaccinations, hospitalization, diagnostics, treatments, medications or prescriptions).
We are pleased to offer an alternative to the traditional veterinary experience. Rather than a sterile office experience, we offer in-depth, one-on-one consultations with you, without your dog, to formulate a comprehensive holistic program that considers your dog’s total health in the context of their newly diagnosed condition. We focus on the diagnostic work that has already been done, help you understand that information as well as our holistic health plan to meet your dog’s total health needs. We provide the Chinese herbs, essential oils, nutritional plans, and supplements necessary to manage your dog’s condition and promote their optimum health.
We also offer age appropriate health, nutritional, and supplement guidance for normal dogs and puppies!  

3628 Lynoak Dr. #108 Claremont CA 91711
             Hours: Tu, Th, Fri- 12-2pm
   Consultations: By Appointment Only         or (909)625-5805

When you want to understand what is going on with your dog's health.

Dr. Tudor takes time to listen and to explain your dog's condition and how alternatives can help. Our total focus is holistic, alternative solutions and advice, including homemade diets for dogs.

We also design nutritional and health plans for dogs without medical problems and puppies.

We look forward to helping you with your dog’s total holistic health plan.

Our practice is limited to consultations so we are not able to provide examinations, treatments, vaccinations, procedures or offer western medications or prescriptions.

When you prepare to come in, we ask that you send in medical records, lab results, or X-rays, as appropriate, for Dr. Tudor to evaluate before your scheduled appointment.

We are conveniently located in Claremont near Foothill Blvd. and Towne Ave.

3628 Lynoak Dr. #108
Claremont CA 91711

About Dr. Tudor

Retired from active veterinary practice, Dr. Ken Tudor offers the experience of 40 years in traditional and holistic veterinary practice. He studied under the godfather of homemade diets, Dr. Donald Strombeck. Expanding on Dr. Strombeck's work, Dr. Tudor designs normal diets and diets requiring restricted quantities of ingredients.  

He is recognized as an expert in dog nutrition and fitness and has written, lectured, and interviewed extensively on these subjects. Dr. Tudor has published articles in veterinary journals and contributed weekly articles for PetMD for 3 years. He is a frequent blogger on dog nutrition, fitness, and other medical subjects.

Who We Can Help

We help dog parents who are seeking a holistic approach to their dog's health. We design nutrition and supplement programs for normal dogs and puppies. We also formulate programs for dogs with conditions diagnosed elsewhere that include nutritional alternatives, especially homemade diets, Chinese herbs, essential oils, and supplements to manage those conditions. The following is a list of conditions that benefit from this comprehensive, holistic approach: 

Auto-immune Diseases 
Heart Murmurs
Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Liver Shunts
Short Bowel
Urinary Stones & Cyrstals
Weight Control

Kidney disease, arthritic conditions, and spinal problems require a combination of holistic and traditional treatment and will be considered on an individual basis, dependent on the willingness of your primary veterinarian’s to work with Dr. Tudor.

Professional Consultations

Dr. Tudor works one-on-one with you, without your dog or puppy, to design the perfect health program for your normal dog, pup or dog with medical problems that require special holistic care and nutritional needs. Why is your dog or pup not invited? Our focus is for you to understand all of the information we are providing. The presence of your dog or pup may distract your attention. Our clients have told us that they appreciate this total focus on an educational approach to their dog's needs.

If you are seeking a wellness consultation for a dog without medical problems, we will need your dog's ideal weight from your primary veterinarian.

Initial medical consultations are a two part process:
1) We  need medical records (not a visit or treatment list), laboratory work, x-rays and ultrasound reports from your primary veterinarian or specialist(s). All medical information must be current (within 3 months). We need your phone number to process payment to evaluate the medical information to determine whether we can help you or not. The cost of this evaluation service is $90 and is not refundable even if we cannot help.

2) We then contact you to schedule a physical consultation appointment. Consultations generally last 45-60 minutes and the cost is an additional $90.
Chinese herbs, tinctures, essential oils, homemade diets, and supplements are not included in the consultation fee and are charged separately.

Once established as a client, any consultation for the same condition within a year of your initial consultation is 50% off. Consultations for new conditions requiring analysis of lab work, x-rays, or ultrasounds are charged as a new consultation.

Homemade Dog Food Done Right...
1. Understanding Your Dog's Personalized Healthier Homemade Recipe
2. Meat Preparation
3. Carbohydrate Preparation
4. Mixing Your Dog's Prepared Ingredients
5. Packaging and Storing
6. Transitioning to Healthier Homemade Dog Food