The Well Dog Place

Dr. Ken Tudor Holistic Veterinarian

Digital X-ray Technology

We offer state of the art digital xray capability. Immediate results power our diagnostic process


Not all potential medical problems can be determined by a physical examination. We offer a variety of blood panels to diagnose and monitor medical conditions. In addition to comprehensive diagnostic and preventive screens for older dogs, we offer economical early detection screens for puppies and younger dogs.

Second Opinions for Your Dog's Medical Condition

We put 35 years of experience behind our view of your dog’s medical problem.

Vaccination Titers for Those Seeking to Vaccinate As Needed, Rather than Automatically

More and more owners are concerned about over-vaccinating their dogs when they follow traditional vaccination programs. We couldn’t agree more with those concerns. That is why we recommend yearly vaccine blood titers (tests that show how much vaccine protection is still viable) and vaccinating only when titers have fallen below the recommend level for disease protection. Read more...